Tag Archives: turn on your partner

Research Claims Losing Weight and Clean Sheets May Help Turn On Your Partner

happy girl in bed

Losing Weight and Clean Sheets May Help Turn On Your Partner

A recent study took a look at several unusual activities that may have more sexual connections than many of us think about. Losing weight, winning money, and even clean bed sheets may be linked to passionate moods experienced by men and women.  Such activities may turn-on your partner or help them get into the mood researchers claim. Certain activities have shown evidence of being turn-ons or sexual mood makers depending on the gender of the individual.

More than 2,000 British men and women participated in a survey that included asking them about potential turn-ons and things that get them in the mood.  Roughly 60 percent of women claimed winning money is a turn-on for them. Weight loss was an element considered to help such women get into the mood. Men were more likely to be in the mood after a night out with guy friends.

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